The Borough of Wilson contracts with Barry Isett and Associates for third party administration of our Building and Code Enforcement Program. The department is responsible for the administration and enforcement of local ordinances. These ordinances may be specific to housing and property maintenance.
Barry Isett also responds to citizen complaints concerning property maintenance, construction project inspections, and applications regarding building projects. Permits are issued for Use and Occupancy, repairs, replacements, additions and new installations.
The Department works closely with the Borough Business Office and the Borough Engineer.
Wilson Borough Permit Fee Schedule
Any returned checks will be charged a $35 fee
Certificate of Compliance
- Each dwelling unit to be inspected is $100
- Each Commercial or Industrial use under 5,000 square feet to be inspected is $125 per building.
- Each Commercial or Industrial use over 5,000 square feet to be inspected is $175 per building.
- Certificate of Occupancy is $50.
Building, Electrical, Mechanical & Plumbing Fees
Total Cost of Project Fee
$0.00 - $50.00 $25.00
$50.01 - $1,000.00 $60.00
$1,000.01 - $10,000.00 $250.00
$10,000.01 - $20,000.00 $350.00
$20.000.01 - $50,000.00 $450
$50,000.01 - $100,000.00 $1,000.00
$100,000.01 + $1,000.00 + $5.00 per additional $1,000.00, not to exceed $10,000.00
Trenches and Excavations
- $10 per square foot of restoration.
- Permit fee $25
- Residential $100 per application
- Commercial $100 per application
Street Signs
- Handicap parking $125
- Business directional $60 ($160 if a pole is required)
- Business parking $125
Business Privilege
- Business Privilege license $60
- Business Privilege tax: .0015 of gross income earned in the Borough.
Moving Permit
- $5.00 fee
Health Inspections and Licenses
- Initial inspection and license $150
- Renewal (yearly) $85
- Re-Inspection due to violation $35
- Temporary license (14 days or less per year) $10/day
- Nonprofit organizations shall comply with Chapter 78 of the Department of Agriculture Code; however, no fee is required.
Grass/Weed Cutting or Snow/Ice Removal from private property.
- The cost to remove will be passed on to the property owner.
Please take note that applications can take up to 30 days to process, please plan accordingly!
Barry Isett & Associates Fee Schedule
2024 Residential UCC_Fee Schedule
2024 Commercial UCC_Fee Schedule
Permit Applications for the following:
Building, Addition, Alterations, Swimming Pool, Mechanical, Plumbing, Electric, Fire Suppression. Please use the UCC Application below:
Business Privilege Application
Certificate of Occupancy Application
Subdivison and Land Development Application
Zoning Applications
No-Impact Home Base Business Application
Fence, Porch/Patio, Deck, Sheds and Driveways
Zoning Application for all other disciplines